
1st year/2nd year
Programme main editor:
Onsite in:
ECTS range:


Caroline Fairet


At least B1 level.

Pedagogical objectives:

Communicate orally and in writing in English in professional situations.

Examples: introducing yourself professionally, greeting a visitor, communicating on the telephone, taking part in a meeting, managing appointments or orders, reading documents about the company’s activity, analysing job offers, writing e-mails, talking about your work and your company, etc.

Evaluation modalities:

Assessment of the course: Continuous assessment (no final exam)

The following elements are assessed

  • Involvement in the activities proposed throughout the semester: one mark /20
  • Written task (to be defined with the teacher): one mark /20
  • Oral task (to be defined with the teacher): one mark /20

An auditor’s final grade is the average of the 3 grades above. The objective for passing the UE is therefore to obtain a final mark equal to or higher than 10/20.


The content will be adapted by the teacher according to the level and needs of the group.

Written and oral comprehension, written and oral expression, oral interaction, grammar and the lexicon of business and professional English will be worked on using communicative situations. The work can be individual or collective and can be based on collaborative activities between students in small groups.

By way of example, the following topics could be covered:

  • Personal and professional information: Asking for and giving personal information (name, profession, etc.). Ask questions and describe tasks and responsibilities. Ask questions and describe a company and its organisation. The office and the general working environment.
  • Daily work tasks: Organising appointments/meetings, planning events and upcoming tasks. Negotiating, taking part in and leading a meeting, giving a presentation. Asking for and giving authorisation. Giving and receiving instructions. Predict and describe future opportunities. Expressing opinions. Making, accepting and/or rejecting suggestions. Expressing needs and wishes. Discussing problems. Make recommendations. Justifying past decisions and actions.
  • Relations with colleagues and customers: Discussing interests and hobbies. Inviting, accepting or refusing offers and invitations. Thanking and expressing appreciation. Apologising and accepting apologies.
  • Travel: Getting information, making reservations, requests and complaints.
  • Health: Health and safety rules at work. Leisure, interests and sports.
  • Buying and selling: Understanding and discussing prices and delivery dates, offers and agreements.
  • Products and services: Asking questions and giving information about a product or service. Making comparisons, expressing opinions, preferences, etc. Making and receiving complaints.
  • Results and achievements: Describing and explaining company performance and results, trends, events and changes.

Complementary content:

Development of comprehension, expression and interaction skills.

The skills targeted are those defined in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) grid.

Required teaching material

Slides and teaching material will be available in the moodle.

Teaching volume:
30 hours
20 hours
Supervised lab:


  • Laboratory-Based Course Structure
  • Open-Source Software Requirements