Design Methodology of Embedded Systems

1st year/2nd year
Programme main editor:
Onsite in:
ECTS range:


Frank Slomka


Basics on computer architecture.

Pedagogical objectives:

In taking part in the module “Design Methodology of Embedded Systems” the students learn how to describe and sketch the model-based design of embedded systems. They will be able to name and distinguish different analytic processes for the assessment of embedded systems. From a set of different methods and algorithms for the analysis of real-time operation, they will learn how to pick a suitable method in order to solve a given problem. The participants will be enabled to build new methods and algorithms and to prove their correctness. The students will be able to identify the complexity of algorithms and to develop approximations. Moreover, they will be able to assess various designs of embedded systems and to compare them.

Evaluation modalities:


For admission to the exam the following requirements have to be met:

  • Successful completion of the exercise assignments
  • Attending the synchronos parts is mandatory


Topics include:

Even if you cannot see them – embedded systems are everywhere. Very often, the only time that we take notice of them is when they no longer function properly: All of a sudden, the expensive new car refuses to go any further. Doors in the shopping mall do not open or close anymore at closing time. The barrier in the parking garage remains closed. The smart phone cannot login to the network. Not only can certain bugs take away comfortable functions, incorrectly designed systems can be extremely dangerous and become very expensive. For example, there were certain incidents when rockets that had expensive satellites on board had to be blown up because they lost their intended trajectories and became a threat. One of the most cost-intensive mistakes throughout the history of embedded systems was the explosion of an “Ariane” rocket in 1996. The damage reached 370 Million US$ and was caused by an overflow of a register which on the other hand was the outcome of the fact that Ariane 5 accelerated quicker than the predecessor Ariane 4. Embedded Systems became so complex during the course of the last decades that methods of computer-assisted design have to be applied. This module deals with the building of models and the analysis of embedded systems, focusing on the design of a uniform model for event-driven real-time systems.

The course focuses mainly on:

  • Model-based design of embedded systems
  • Time and real-time systems
  • Modelling of embedded systems: event models and graphs
  • Intrinsic analysis of real-time systems
  • Extrinsic analysis of real-time systems
  • Complexity and approximation of the extrinsic analysis
  • Optimization and Design Space Exploration

Required teaching material

Literature: • Jürgen Teich: Digitale Hardware-/Software Systeme, Springer 1996 • Peter Liggesmeyer und Dieter Rombach: Software Engineering eingebetteter Systeme, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag 2005 • Jean J. Labrosse: Embedded Systems Building Blocks, CMP 2000 • Peter Marwedel: Eingebette Systeme, Springer 2007 • Zbigniew Michalewicz und David B. Fogel: Modern Heuristics, Springer, 2000 Moodle Course at - Account needed at SAPS of UUlm

Teaching volume:
45 hours
45 hours
Supervised lab:
40 hours


  • Laboratory-Based Course Structure
  • Open-Source Software Requirements